Stone born in July

What is a ruby? (Petrology)

What is a ruby? (Petrology)

The stone born in July is RUBY ruby. Ruby red is a symbol of love, patriotism and anger, and a favorite color of aggressive children. Ruby was a priestly favorite in Europe in the late Middle Ages; They put it on a ring and said it came from heaven. Ruby red gemstone is the most sought after and most valuable. After diamonds, ruby ​​is the hardest mineral and is more valuable than diamonds in sizes over five carats. Ruby is known among jewels as the king of stones.

Ruby has healing properties for body and mind. This stone is used for heart disease, regulating blood flow and strengthening the adrenal glands. Sapphire increases blood pressure and eliminates weakness and disability in the body. It enhances vision and circulates blood flow in the eye area. This essence enhances the ability, strength, life, courage, bravery and positive thoughts. Ruby is known as the Lord of Gems.

According to the beliefs and superstitions of the ancients, all gems burn in the fire except ruby. Muhammad ibn Mahmud Hamedani says in his book Ajaibnameh about rubies:

His temperament is hot and dry, to the fourth degree. Whoever was with him was safe from the plague. The ruby ​​was heavier than gold and lead. Whoever had rubies with him, purified the blood in his body and was safe from depression, stroke and epilepsy.

The Greeks believed that ruby ​​gave its owner special powers, including health, knowledge, wealth, and success in love. They also believed that if they put a ruby ​​stone on the left side of the dress with a brooch, their life would be accompanied by peace and intimacy, and if a soldier had a ruby ​​with him, he would be invincible. In the Middle Ages, rubies were thought to warn the wearer of bad news, disease, or misfortune by changing color to a darker red.

In Burma, warriors believed that carrying rubies would bring them victory in war. The Reds will return to life in rebirth (reincarnation) in the body of an emperor.

In the Orient, it was believed that the ruby ​​stone is a symbol of life and life, and they believed that the drops of blood of the mother earth are rubies, because for life, blood is the most expensive blood money and amount that has been determined, as well as the beautiful gemstone The stone was considered self-healing and for this reason this stone was also called radiant or radiant.

Arabicized ruby ​​is the Persian word for yakand. Ruby has the composition of Al2o3 aluminum oxide, which is found in different colors due to the presence of intermediate elements. The chemical composition of ruby ​​is pure alumina, which may be slightly impregnated with other materials such as chromium and iron. Rubies mined in Africa and countries such as Mozambique, Kenya and Madagascar are usually darker in color due to their iron content. Of course, this darkness is also often seen in the rubies of Thailand and Cambodia. In general, jewelers value red rubies that are close in color to pigeon's blood, and darker rubies that are darker in color. Rabbit's rabbit's blood is coming soon. Based on the color factor, the world's best rubies are mined in Burma, Vietnam, Tanzania and Mozambique.

In describing the red color of ruby, we can also add that the best color for sapphire is purple or pink. Usually, the bed of this valuable ruby ​​is formed in the heart of marble, and due to its fluorescent color, ruby ​​gets more redness and redness under the rays of the sun, and this brightness multiplies in the sun. Marble-based rubies are found mostly in the drawers of Burma (Myanmar), the northern part of Vietnam, and the western slopes of the Himalayas in Tajikistan and Afghanistan (Jagdalak Mine).

In international trade, ruby ​​is called Ruby and other colors of sapphire are called Sapphire, and this name is always associated with its color, such as Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire and Colorless Sapphire because of the hardness of the ruby. 9 is a stone suitable for use in the jewelry industry and has many applications in the field of jewelry

The most important mines with the best quality ruby ​​in the world are in Burma or Myanmar. Pure rubies or pomegranate seeds extracted from the Burmese mogok mine are of great value in the world of trade. Ruby red has been associated with different meanings in history and culture. For example, in some cultures, red is likened to the red of the blood flowing in the body, which gives man the power to live.

The conditions for the formation of rubies in Asia are the result of the transformation of the earth's layers, and in Africa, rubies are igneous and volcanic. For this reason, African rubies are more impure than Asian rubies, and impurities and guest crystals are abundant inside African ruby ​​crystals.

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