Iran-Turkey Joint Chamber of Commerce

Iran-Turkey Joint Chamber of Commerce

Which Iranian product has the most customers in Turkey?
A few years after the start of the declining trend in trade between Iran and Turkey, new statistics released from 2021 show that trade between the two countries has grown significantly again.

According to ISNA, according to new statistics published by the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, the volume of trade between Iran and Turkey in the first quarter of 2021 has once again increased, this statistic has been recorded while about three years ago and At the same time as the new US sanctions, Iran's joint trade with this western neighbor had sharply decreased.

Last year, along with sanctions, the spread of the Corona virus and restrictions on cross-border travel made things difficult. This year, however, despite the continuing corona outbreak, trade between the two countries has grown again through the use of health practices.

New statistics provided by the Chamber of Commerce show that Iran's trade with this country in the first quarter of 2021 amounted to $ 986 million, which shows an increase of about 53% compared to the same period last year.

Of the total $ 986 million in Iran-Turkey trade, about $ 505 million was related to Iran's exports to Turkey and about $ 481 million was related to Iran's imports from this country, while in the first quarter of 2020, major trade Iran and Turkey have been related to Iran's imports from this country.

According to these statistics, in the first quarter of 2021, the trade balance between Iran and Turkey has been positive in Iran's favor; In this period, despite a 29 percent increase in Iran's imports from Turkey compared to the same period last year, Iran's exports to this country also faced a significant growth of 87 percent and caused Iran's trade balance with Turkey from minus $ 104 million in the first quarter of 2020 to Positively reach $ 24.4 million in the first quarter of 2021. In fact, the trade balance between the two countries in these two periods, equivalent to $ 128 million, has changed in favor of Iran.

Official Turkish statistics show that trade between Iran and Turkey has been declining sharply since the second quarter of 2019, and the downward trend in trade with this country has continued until the second quarter of 2020, but since then it has been on the rise in the first quarter of 2021. Increased for the third consecutive season.

It is noteworthy that Iran's imports of goods from Turkey have started an upward trend since the second quarter of 2020, but in the first quarter of 2021, after two consecutive months, it has decreased and reached its lowest level since the beginning of 2019. At the same time, Iran's exports of goods to Turkey, which are mainly non-oil, increased for the third consecutive quarter and reached $ 496 million in the first quarter of 2021.

Studies show that plastics and their components with a share of 37% and after, items included in Chapter 74 including copper and copper products with a share of 19%, items included in Chapter 79 including zinc and its products with a share of 11% and items included in Chapter 76 including aluminum and Its products make up the bulk of Iran's exports to Turkey, accounting for 10 percent of total exports.

Also, the largest share of Turkish exports to Iran is related to the goods of Chapter 84 of the Book of Export and Import Regulations, including hot water boilers, machines and electronic devices, and its components and parts, which together account for 17% of the total value of Turkish exports to Iran. It grew by about 13 percent year-on-year to about $ 82 million.

Methods and stages of export to Turkey
Exporting goods to Turkey is a simple closure process and goods can be imported to Turkey from Iran in different ways. But if we want to introduce you to the steps for exporting to Turkey, these steps can be divided into 4 categories. Of course, these steps are very difficult and time consuming and each of them may take months. We briefly provide you with the steps of exporting to Turkey so that you are aware of the general process:

1. The stage of examining the export market to Turkey
Exports to Turkey can be made by manufacturers and traders, and all of them will have different conditions in the process. In the first stage of export, you should check your desired products in the Turkish market to get the overall price and profitability. Having information about the desired goods in Turkey and the resulting profitability can be very valuable.

2. The stage of reviewing export laws to Turkey
In the second stage, you should do a good review and analysis of export laws to Turkey and consider which export method will make it easier for you to export the goods you want. Once you have found the method you want, you should study the administrative steps and its formal rules. Because each commodity has different conditions for import and export, and to simplify your export process, you must know the rules and regulations. In fact, the more information you have in this area, the easier it will be for you to export to Turkey.

3. Practical stage of export to Turkey
Now that you know all the rules and regulations for exporting your goods, it's time to take action. At this stage, you should start the practical process of exporting to Turkey and load your goods. In fact, you should be able to pass your goods through Iranian customs at this stage and you are expected to do so in a few days. Of course, in order to do this, you must have studied the customs laws of Iran well in the previous stage, so as not to face major legal problems.