Iran-Germany Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines

Iran-Germany Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines

Why is Germany Iran's most important trading partner in Europe?

For the past two years, Germany has been Iran's largest trading partner in Europe. In this article, you will know that Germany has been Iran's most important trading partner in Europe in all eras.

Iran's foreign trade has plummeted since the previous US administration announced its withdrawal from the nuclear deal. Most of the damage was done to trade between Iran and Europe. In addition, the global decline in demand due to the corona pandemic affected Iran's foreign trade, as it did other countries.

At the end of 2020, Iran-Europe trade shrank by more than 78% compared to 2017. 2017 was the only year that, after the nuclear deal, it was implemented for a total of 12 months. In the early months of 2016, implementation of many of Borjam's provisions had not begun, and in May 2018, the United States unilaterally withdrew from Borjam, and secondary sanctions imposed under the White House's "maximum pressure" policy dealt a severe blow to trade. European countries imported to Iran.

In the last 20 years, when the Statistics Center of the European Commission (Eurostat) has published complete statistics on the trade of 27 EU countries, the trade volume between Iran and Europe has not been as low as in 2020.

In 2020, the volume of trade between Iran and Europe has decreased by 12% compared to the previous year. The interesting thing is that Germany is one of the four European countries that has taken a positive trend in its trade with Iran in 2020, with a six percent increase, exceeding 1.8 billion euros. The other three countries are Bulgaria, Denmark, Luxembourg and Slovakia, whose trade volume with Iran is unlikely to reach 100 million euros by 2020.

As shown in this chart, Iran's exports to Europe in 2020 compared to 2019, increased by five percent, but European exports to Iran decreased by 15 percent in the same period.

Imports of Germany
Germany's total imports in 2017 were $ 1.08 trillion, making it the 3rd largest importer in the world. Most of Germany's imports include machinery imports, transportation, chemicals imports, metals imports, minerals imports, plastics and rubber imports, structures imports, food imports and plant products imports.

Exporting countries to Germany
The top exporters to Germany are China, the Netherlands, France, the United States and Italy. Most imports are in Europe, Asia, North America, Africa and South America, respectively.