Iran-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture

Iran-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture

Export of saffron to Italy
Saffron is one of the most important exports to Italy. According to the statistics provided by the Iranian Customs in the field of saffron exports, Italy is one of the most important European countries that has the largest volume of saffron exports. Since 1997, saffron exports to Italy have experienced significant progress. Naturally, the export of saffron to Italy, like exports to other countries, is subject to laws, regulations and instructions, and therefore traders who intend to export to Italy must follow it, but still these rules could not reduce the volume of exports of this product to Italy. Reduce because Iranian saffron is always welcomed by Italian traders. According to the statistics provided on Iranian saffron exports, it is determined that Iranian saffron is exported to more than 60 countries, with Italy ranking eighth in exports and is one of the best customers of Iranian saffron. This made the Italian market one of the best and most profitable global markets for Iranian saffron.

As you know, Iranian saffron has different types and one of the most important saffron exported to Italy is Sargol saffron. According to statistics reported from the Italian market, this type of saffron is very popular and best-selling in the Italian market, so businesses that intend to export to Italy generally export this type of saffron to this country. As you know, saffron is not only edible but also used in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to its special color, taste and aroma, Sargol saffron also has many fans in world markets, especially in Italy, due to its many properties. Regarding the laws of exporting saffron to this country, it should be noted that usually some packaged saffron exported to this country is subject to duties. In fact, these side effects depend on the type of packaging of your exported saffron.

Generally, the side effects of bulk saffron are different from packaged saffron. In addition, traders, especially novice traders, when exporting to Italy, should pay attention to the fact that when exporting saffron to this country, they must obtain the necessary licenses, including the license of the Standards and Industrial Research Organization. Since saffron is both a food and a medicine, the necessary licenses for its export are various. Other necessary licenses for the export of saffron include the licenses of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, as well as obtaining a quarantine certificate for livestock and plants.

Terms of saffron export to Italy
Naturally, traders who intend to export to Italy, especially saffron, want to become more familiar with the conditions for exporting saffron to Italy. In this regard, you should note that the export of saffron to Italy has different stages, including the following:

Product quality is one of the most important points that traders should pay attention to when exporting to Italy. Therefore, the type of quality of saffron exported to the Italian market should be the most important factor for exporters and traders, and be sure to export saffron to this country, which has the highest quality.
Another thing to consider when exporting to Italy is marketing. In fact, if you want to be successful in exporting saffron to this country, you must focus on marketing in the Italian market. As we mentioned, Iranian saffron is more popular in the Italian market than saffron from other countries, so Italian buyers and traders are willing to pay more for Iranian saffron. For this reason, it is enough to do a little marketing and attract customers in this market, then you will see what good profit you can get from the Italian market.

In addition, saffron traders, especially novice traders and start-ups, should know that Italy, like other countries, has passed laws on the import of goods to their country, which include the export of saffron. Among the Italian laws for exporting saffron to this country are:

1. Saffron can be exported to this country both in bulk and in bulk, as well as in packages and crumbs.
2. Depending on the weight and type of packaging, some of them are subject to export duties.
3. Bulk saffron that has packages of more than 30 grams, their export duties are determined according to the law of 5% of the base price.